Well Worn Blundstone logo Well Worn Blundstone logo

Well Worn은 블런드스톤 부츠가 전하는 우리의 일상을 기념합니다. 블런드스톤 부츠는 그저 단순히 발에 맞춰지는 것이 아닙니다. 블런드스톤 부츠는 당신이 살아가는 삶을 녹여내며, 당신이 내디딘 걸음과 흔적을 따라 더 높은 가치를 쌓아갑니다. 

Divider line

라이언 하츠숀


모든 새로움을 선도하는 라이언은 세계 최초로 인정받은 Sheep Whey Vodka의 창시자입니다.  

그는 들판에서 증류소까지 끊임없이 움직이며, 항상 새로운 아이디어를 실험하고 혁신해 내고 있습니다.  

그의 블런드스톤 부츠는 그가 나아가는 새로운 길을 언제나 함께 개척하고 있습니다. 

Collage of Ryan Hartshorn standing in a field, wearing his Blundstone boots.
Knee-down shot of Ryan standing in front of his Sheep Whey vodka wearing his Blundstone boots.
Ryan kneeling and peering into a large jar, wearing his Blundstone boots.



한국의 배우에서 목수로 새로운 시작을 한 이천희는, 서울의 바쁜 문화를 떠나 자연은 물론, 본인 내면과 더 깊이 연결되기 위해 한적한 시골에 자리 잡았습니다. 

그는 ‘적당함’을 추구하며 느림의 미학을 따르는 라이프스타일 브랜드 HIBROW를 론칭하였습니다.  

작업실에 있을 때든, 자연 별빛 아래에서 캠핑할 때든, 이천희의 블런드스톤 부츠는 그가 매 순간을 소중히 보낼 수 있는 장소로 그를 인도합니다. 

Collage of Chunhee Lee sitting on a table in his workshop, wearing his Blundstone boots.
Chunhee leaning over his workbench measuring a length of wood to cut.
Chunhee shaping wood using a lathe in his workshop while wearing Blundstone boots.

마리아나 반 젤러


마리아나는 재학 시절 9·11 테러를 보도하며 세계에 두각을 보이기 시작했습니다. 

현재 그녀는 피바디 상을 수상한 저널리스트로서 인류의 어두운 면을 직관적인 다큐멘터리로 제작하고 있습니다. 

이 과정에서 그녀는 특유의 공감 능력으로 총기 밀매업자부터 마약 밀수업자까지 접촉하였습니다. 

마리아나의 블런드스톤 부츠는 이 모든 과정에 함께하며 세계 곳곳에서 그녀가 보는 모든 것을 함께 경험하고 있습니다. 

A photo collage of Mariana Van Zeller wearing a bulletproof vest labelled "Press", and her Blundstone boots.
Far away shot of Marianna through an archway as she walks down the street wearing Blundstone boots.
Shot of Marianna's foot walking a cobblestone path wearing Blundstone boots.



캐나다 원주민 출신 퀴어 음악가 폰티나는 음악가인 아버지와 함께 여행하며 어린 시절을 보냈습니다.  

폰티나의 아버지는 공연 무대에서 블런드스톤 부츠를 신었고, 이제 성인이 된 그녀 역시 아버지와 같은 부츠를 신고, 동료들과 함께 캐나다와 미국을 투어하고 있습니다.  

폰티나와 두 켤레의 신발과 함께 여행을 떠나는 중이고, 그 두 신발은 모두 블런드스톤 부츠입니다. 

Collage of Fontine playing guitar on stage, wearing Blundstone boots.
Fontine raising their foot into the air to compare their Blundstone boots sole-to-sole to the Blundstone boots of another wearer.
Fontine playing guitar and singing on stage wearing Blundstone boots.
Close-up photo of Fontine writing a setlist with a black marker.

엘리사 & 루카


여행에 대한 사랑으로 뭉친 개성 강한 두 이탈리아인. 그들은 그 열정을 성공적인 직업으로 발전시켰습니다.  

초창기 여행 블로거로 활동했던 두 사람은 블런드스톤 부츠를 신고 전 세계를 누벼왔습니다.  

수년이 지난 지금, 각 여행은 블런드스톤 부츠에 독특한 흔적을 남겼고, 그들의 모험 정신은 블런드스톤 부츠만큼이나 탄탄하게 자리 잡게 되었습니다.

Collage of Eliza & Luca sitting on concrete stairs and looking into each other's eyes, both wearing Blundstone boots.
Elisa and Luca embracing in a field under the sun.
Elisa and Luca holding hands and walking down the street on a sunny day wearing their Blundstone boots.
Knee-down shot of Elisa and Luca walking in unison, wearing their Blundstone boots.
Close-up photo of legs wearing jeans and Blundstone boots standing on a rock in a field on a sunny day.

더 다양한 라인업을 만나보세요

편안함과 스타일을 모두 겸비한 부츠 컬렉션을 만나보세요.

야외활동과일상은물론, 격식있는자리에서까지, 모든상황에어우러지는완벽한부츠를제안합니다.

당신의 도시를 대표해서
블런드스톤 부츠를 디자인할
기회를 얻어보세요!

블런드스톤 부츠의 긁힌 자국 하나하나가 그 가치를 더해 새로운 이야기를 들려줍니다. 

행운의 글로벌 당첨자들은 블런드스톤 호주 디자인 팀과 함께 자신만의 한정판 블런드스톤 부츠를 제작하여, 그들의 도시에서의 블런드스톤 부츠를 이야기 할 수 있습니다. 

추가로, 매주 1인의 당첨자를 선정해 블런드스톤 아이코닉 부츠, 오리지널 #500을 선물 드립니다.

Well Worn Blundstone competition banner - Win
  • Terms and Conditions of Entry



    Information on how to enter, mechanics of entry and the prize form part of these Terms and Conditions of Entry (Conditions).

    Entry into the promotion is deemed acceptance of these Conditions. Entry is via https://www.wellwornblundstone.com/korea only.


    Entry is only open to residents of South Korea aged 19 years or older (Entrants).

    The directors, management and employees (and their immediate families) of the Promoter, its related entities, distributors, printers, suppliers, providers, venues and agencies directly associated with the conduct of this promotion are ineligible to enter the promotion. Immediate family means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or stepchild (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or 1st cousin.


    The promotion commences at 12.01 AM (12:01) KST South Korea on 21st October 2024 and ends at 11.59 PM (23:59) KST South Korea on 24th November 2024 (Promotional Period).

    4.  HOW TO ENTER

    a.  Entry will be via a dedicated online entry platform at https://www.wellwornblundstone.com/korea

    b.  To enter the promotion, an Entrant must, during the Promotional Period, describe in [50] words or less how they have worn or would wear their Blundstone boots well.

    c.  Entry is limited to ONE (1) per person.

    d.  Entries will be deemed accepted at the time of receipt by the Promoter and not at the time of transmission.

    e.  Entries received will be considered final by the Promoter.

    f.  Incomplete, inaccurate, erroneous, ineligible or incomprehensible entries will be deemed invalid. If the Entrant enters their contact details incorrectly or incompletely, the entry will be rendered invalid.

    g.  The Promoter accepts no responsibility for late, lost or misdirected entries.

    h.  The Entrant need not purchase a product, or provide any form of monetary/non-monetary consideration in order to participate in the promotion. If an Entrant does do so, this will not improve the Entrant’s prospects of winning.

    i.  Costs associated with accessing the entry platform remain an Entrant’s responsibility and may vary depending on the Internet service or telecommunications provider used.

    j.  The use of any automated entry software or any mechanical, electronic or other means that allows an Entrant to automatically enter repeatedly or using multiple identities is prohibited and will render all entries submitted by that Entrant invalid.


    a.  This is a game of skill.

    b.  All eligible entries received in the Promotional Period will be considered.

    c.  There will be at least five winners in total in South Korea. Five participants will win a Basic Prize. Additionally, there may be a maximum of one Global Prize winner in South Korea, but there is no guarantee that there will be any entry from South Korea that will win a Global Prize.

    d.  There will be a total of eight Global Prizes:

    i.  Americas (United States & South America) – one Global Prize awarded for the region

    ii. Europe & United Kingdom – four Global Prizes awarded across the region

    iii.    Canada – one Global Prize awarded

    iv. Asia – one Global Prize awarded for the region

    v.  Australia & New Zealand – one Global Prize awarded for the region.

    e.  Prizes will be awarded as follows:

    i.  For the Week 1 Prize, by 5PM (17:00) (KST).

    ii. For the Week 2 Prize, by 5PM (17:00) (KST).

    iii.    For the Week 3 Prize, by 5PM (17:00) (KST).

    iv. For the Week 4 Prize, by 5PM (17:00) (KST).

    v.  For the Week 5 Prize, by 5PM (17:00) (KST).

    vi. For each Global Prize, by 5.00pm (17:00) KST South Korea, Friday 20th December, 2024

    f.  Each of the Global Prize(s) and Basic Prizes will be determined by the Promoter in conjunction with Blundstone Group at its own discretion.

    g.  Each winning Entrant(s) will be notified by email or writing within 28 days of the determination of the relevant prize winner, and the name and location of each winner may be published on the Promoter’s Website https://www.wellwornblundstone.com/korea

    h.  Details may remain on the Promoter’s Website for not less than twenty-eight (28) days.

    i.  All reasonable steps to notify the winners of the results will be taken by the Promoter.

    j.  The Promoter’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

    6.  PRIZES

    a.  The total maximum promotional prize pool value is up to an estimated value of 1,345,000 KRW, comprising:

    i.  Week 1 Basic Prize – 1 pair of Blundstone style #500 boots with an estimated value of 269,000 RRP

    ii. Week 2 Basic Prize – 1 pair of Blundstone style #500 boots with an estimated value of 269,000 RRP

    iii.    Week 3 Basic Prize – 1 pair of Blundstone style #500 boots with an estimated value of 269,000 RRP

    iv. Week 4 Basic Prize – 1 pair of Blundstone style #500 boots with an estimated value of 269,000 RRP

    v.  Week 5 Basic Prize – 1 pair of Blundstone style #500 boots with an estimated value of 269,000 RRP

    vi. (If applicable) Global Prize – the opportunity to work with Blundstone to customize a Blundstone Chelsea boot, and receive 5 pairs of the customized Blundstone Chelsea boots.

    b.  A winning Entrant must inform the Promoter in writing of their acceptance of their respective prize within 10 business days from the date the winning Entrant is notified by the Promoter that they have won, otherwise the prize may be forfeited.

    c.  None of the prizes are transferable or exchangeable. A prize must be taken as offered and cannot be varied. A prize cannot be used or redeemed in conjunction with any other offer.

    d.  The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any tax implications that may arise from prize winnings. Independent financial advice should be sought. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in prize value.

    7.  GENERAL

    a.  Any Entrant who provides incorrect, misleading or fraudulent information is ineligible to participate in the promotion and their entry may, at the discretion of the Promoter, be deemed invalid.

    b.  The Promoter reserves the right to request an Entrant produce (within the requested time) appropriate photo identification or other documentation (to the Promoter’s satisfaction, at its sole discretion) to confirm the Entrant’s identity, age, residential address, eligibility to enter and claim the prize, and any information submitted by the Entrant in entering the promotion, before issuing the prize.

    c.  If any documentation required by the Promoter is not received by the Promoter (or its nominated agent) or an Entrant or entry has not been verified or validated to the Promoter’s (or its nominated agent’s) satisfaction, then all the entries of that Entrant may be ineligible and deemed invalid.

    d.  The Promoter reserves the right to verify the validity of all entries and to disqualify any Entrant for:

    i.  tampering with the entry process;

    ii. submitting an entry which is not in accordance with these Conditions; or

    iii.    engaging in any unlawful or other improper misconduct calculated to jeopardize the fair and proper conduct of the promotion.

    The Promoter's legal rights to recover damages or other compensation from such an offender are reserved.

    e.  The prize will only be awarded following any validation and verification that the Promoter requires in its sole discretion.

    f.  Any attempt to cause malicious damage or interference with the legitimate operation of this promotion may be a violation of criminal and civil laws and should such an attempt be made, whether successful or not, the Promoter reserves the right to seek damages to the fullest extent permitted by law. If the Promoter suffers loss or incurs any costs in connection with any breach of these Conditions or any other legal obligation by an Entrant, the Entrant agrees to indemnify the Promoter for those losses, damages and costs.

    g.  The decision by the Promoter to accept or reject an entry is the Promoter’s sole discretion and no correspondence will be entered into. Any entry that contains content that the Promoter in its sole discretion, considers to be offensive, obscene, crude or inappropriate in any way or that the Promoter considers may infringe any Laws or other rights of any person, corporation or entity will not be accepted as an eligible entry into the promotion. This includes, but is not limited to, any entry which the Promoter considers to be disparaging of any of its or any prize supplier’s products and/or services or is otherwise not in keeping with the spirit of the promotion.

    h.  By entering the promotion, each Entrant acknowledges and agrees that their entry and their name and/or locality may be featured on the Promoter’s website and any other online platform (including social media platforms) or audio visual or print material of the Promoter for public viewing during the Promotional Period and in perpetuity. Once an entry is submitted, each Entrant acknowledges that the entry may not be withdrawn, altered or deleted (except as and where required by the Promoter).

    i.  As a condition of entering this promotion, each Entrant consents to, in the event they win any prize, the Promoter and the Blundstone Group using the Entrant’s name, likeness, image and/or voice (including photograph, film and/or recording of the same) in any media worldwide for an unlimited period of time without further notification, remuneration or compensation for the purpose of promoting, publicizing or marketing the promotion (including any outcome), and/or promoting any products or services manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by the Promoter.


    a.  To the extent permitted by law, each Entrant indemnifies, and must defend and hold harmless, the Promoter and its employees, servants, agents and contractors, from and against all Losses arising from:

    i.  a breach by the Entrant of any of these Conditions;

    ii. any third-party claim arising directly or indirectly from a breach by the Entrant of any of these Conditions;

    iii.    a negligent, willful or otherwise wrongful act or omission of the Entrant;

    iv. fraudulent or dishonest acts or omissions by the Entrant;

    v.  any breach by the Entrant of any applicable Laws;

    vi. any claim by any third party (including individuals, legal entities and governmental departments or agencies) arising directly or indirectly as a result of the Entrant entering the promotion;

    vii.    the death of, or personal injury to, any person or any damage to, or loss or destruction of, any real or tangible personal property, to the extent caused by any act or omission of the Entrant; and/or

    viii.   any claim or allegation that the Entrant’s entry infringes a third party’s Intellectual Property Rights or constitutes an unlawful disclosure or misuse or misappropriation of another party’s trade secret or confidential information.

    b.  If the prize or element of the prize becomes unavailable, for any reason beyond the Promoter’s reasonable control, then a comparable prize or prize element of equal or greater value will be awarded in lieu, subject to any written directions made under any relevant law.

    c.  The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies exclude all liability (including negligence) except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law (including any applicable consumer guarantee under any consumer protection law), for any direct or indirect injury, loss and/or damage arising in any way out of the promotion. This includes, but is not limited to:

    i.  technical malfunctions, delays or failures, including those resulting from accessing any materials related to this promotion and any incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information communicated during, or in connection with, this promotion because of any technical malfunctions, delays or failures;

    ii. theft, unauthorized access or third party interference;

    iii.    lost or damaged entries, prize claims or prize(s); and/or

    iv. acceptance and/or use of any prize.

    d.  All the Promoter’s decisions in respect of the promotion are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

    e.  The Promoter holds no responsibility for the sizing or wear of the boot once the winner has received it. It is up to each winning Entrant to provide correct sizing information to the Promoter.

    9.  PRIVACY

    a.  The Promoter collects Personal Information about an Entrant to include the Entrant in the promotion, award the prizes (where appropriate) and use the information to assist in improving the goods and services of the Promoter. If the Personal Information requested is not provided, the Entrant cannot participate in the promotion and is deemed ineligible.

    b.  An Entrant also agrees that the Promoter may, if the Entrant wins a prize, publish or cause to be published, the Entrant’s name and locality in any media, as required under any relevant law.

    c.  An Entrant also agrees that the Promoter may share an Entrant’s Personal Information with the Blundstone Group, the Promoter’s related companies (whether in or outside Korea), and its and their servants, employees, agents and trusted third parties who may use the Entrant’s Personal Information for the purposes of the promotion, selecting a winner for the prizes, to use the information in improving the goods and services of Blundstone Group, and to contact the Entrant for their legitimate commercial purposes, including communicating special offers, conducting market research or to provide the Entrant with marketing materials.

    d.  If required by law, the Promoter will provide to each winning Entrant, at the time of the prize being awarded (or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter), a collection statement that details the Personal Information being collected, the purpose of its collection, where the Personal Information will be stored and how it will be shared with third parties. The collection statement will comply with the Promoter’s disclosure or other obligations under any relevant Privacy Law.

    e.  Each Entrant can gain access to, update or correct any of their Personal Information held by the Promoter by contacting the Promoter’s Privacy Officer at leeny@posteam.co.kr. All Personal Information will be stored by the Promoter in accordance with the Promoter’s Privacy Policy. A copy of the Promoter’s Privacy Policy in relation to the treatment of Personal Information collected may be obtained by contacting the Promoter or via the Promoter’s website https://blundstone.kr/71

    f.  By entering the promotion, each Entrant acknowledges that a further primary purpose for collection of the Entrant’s Personal Information by the Promoter is for the Promoter or Blundstone Group to contact the Entrant in the future with information about the Promoter or Blundstone Group, including special offers, market research or to provide the Entrant with marketing materials via any medium including mail, telephone and commercial electronic messages (SMS (Short Message Service), MMS (Multimedia Message Service), IM (Instant Messaging) and email) or any other form of electronic, emerging, digital or conventional communications channel whether existing now or in the future.

    g.  By entering the promotion, each Entrant acknowledges and agrees that the Promoter and any applicable third parties may use their Personal Information in the manner set out in these Conditions.


    a.  “Blundstone Group” means Blundstone Australia Pty Ltd, Blundstone U.S.A. Inc, and Blundstone New Zealand Limited.

    b.  “Intellectual Property Rights” means all present and future rights of whatever nature anywhere in the world including, but not limited to, rights in respect of or in connection with copyright, inventions (including patents), trademarks, service marks, trade names, domain names, designs, confidential information, trade secrets and know-how and similar industrial, commercial and intellectual property rights, whether or not registered or registrable, and includes the right to apply for the registration of such rights, and whether existing in South Korea or otherwise.

    c.   “Laws” means all laws including rules of common law, principles of equity, statutes, regulations, proclamations, ordinances, by-laws, rules, regulatory principles and requirements, statutory rules of an industry body, statutory mandatory codes of conduct, writs, orders, injunctions, judgments, and generally accepted accounting principles.

    d.  “Losses” means loss, damage, liability, charge, expense or cost (including all reasonable legal and other professional costs on a full indemnity basis) of any nature or kind.

    e.  “Personal information” means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether the information or opinion is true or not and whether the information is recorded in a material form or not.

    f.  “Privacy Law” means any applicable Laws in relation to individual privacy rights and protections, including but not limited to the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Privacy Act 2020 (NZ), the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and the California Consumer Privacy Act 2018 and other state-based regimes in the United States of America.

    g.  Each Entrant acknowledges and agrees that the promotion and these Conditions and governed by the laws of South Korea and each Entrant submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of South Korea and any courts competent to hear appeals from those courts.

    11. PROMOTER

    The Promoter is POSTEAM of B1,1F,2F, 55-6, Garosu-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, TELEPHONE.(82)70 7783 0998 / (82)10 2907 6732

    The Person in Charge: Tim Park (director@posteam.co.kr) & Nayeong Lee(leeny@posteam.co.kr)